【今晚6点】童鞋们,OCCB非常荣幸能够帮助宣传今晚于君悦大酒店举办的St Cross College成立五十周年世界校友会主题活动及Speaker Event,牛剑校友及guests都欢迎参加!请联系stx 发展指导员director.development@stx.ox.ac.uk,报名链接:https://yoopay.cn/event/StCrossAnniversary

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Event type: 50th Anniversary

Event location: Grand Hyatt Beijing, 1 East Chang An Avenue Beijing, China, 100738


Forming part of the celebrations for the 50th Anniversary, St Cross College is delighted to announce plans for the Beijing Alumni Reunion.


Susan Berrington, Director of Development, will be welcoming Alumni and their guests, and offering an update on the latest St Cross news. A drinks reception and evening buffet will take place from 6pm-9pm at the Grand Hyatt Beijing.


Author James Palmer will deliver a talk entitled “Kicking away the ladders: The end of social mobility in China?”


2015 AGM & Election Result

The 2015 OCCB AGM was held on 15 June 2015. The officers of the 2014-2015 committee gave their reports, and responded to probing questions raised by the attending OCCB members on the performance and activities of the club during their term in office.

Following a hotly contested campaign between the two Presidential hopefuls, the results of the election to the 2015-2016 committee are:

President:            Florence Yu Pei
Secretary:            Matthew Rose
ExCo members:  John Olbrich, Haining Liu

The remaining committee posts will be filled according to the procedure in OCCB Byelaws. Please get in touch if you wish to contribute to the running of OCCB. 

The incoming committee would like to thank all those who put in their hard work in the outgoing committee.